
An Audit of Carbon Neutral Government

March 2013
This audit assessed whether government achieved its objective of a carbon neutral public sector, asking the following questions: Does government take sufficient actions to minimize its greenhouse gas emissions? Does government purchase the required offsets and are they credible? Does government appropriately evaluate and report on the achievement of its objectives?  This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on November 20, 2013.

Striving for Quality, Timely and Safe Patient Care: An Audit of Air Ambulance Services in B.C.

March 2013
 We carried out this audit to determine whether air ambulance services delivered by the BC Ambulance Service provide quality, timely and safe patient care. We did this by assessing whether the BC Ambulance Service: has defined and is meeting relevant service standards for quality of care, timeliness and patient safety; and is providing paramedics and aircraft based on an assessment of patient needs. This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on March 12, 2014.

Audit of the Legislative Assembly's Financial Records: Update

March 2013
This report provides an update on the publically-reported findings from the 2012/13 report Audit of the Legislative Assembly's Financial Records, as well as new information identified through the OAG's ongoing audit procedures at the Legislative Assembly.

Health Benefits Operations: Are the Expected Benefits Being Achieved?

February 2013
This audit  focuses on whether the stated benefits of the Ministry of Health’s alternative service delivery arrangement to administer the Medical Services Plan and PharmaCare programs have been achieved by asking the following questions: Are the stated benefits of the alternative service delivery arrangement monitored and achieved? Is the Ministry publicly reporting the costs and benefits achieved through the alternative service delivery arrangement?  This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on November 20, 2013.

An Audit of Biodiversity in B.C.: Assessing the Effectiveness of Key Tools

February 2013
This report assesses whether government is meeting its objective of conserving biodiversity in British Columbia. (Word cloud image courtesy of Roger Harris, The Pimm Group, Duke University) This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on November 18, 2013. The federal Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development released a report on conserving biodiversity on April 24, 2018

Securing the JUSTIN System: Access and Security Audit at the Ministry of Justice

January 2013
This report assessed the controls in place to protect information in the Province's computerized criminal justice security system, known as JUSTIN. This system supports the administration of criminal justice cases from initial submission through to the court process. This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on November 18, 2013.

Health Funding Explained

January 2013
This public information piece is designed to help the public and legislators understand how provincial health-care dollars are spent. Health Funding Explained is the first time the Office has undertaken such an extensive public-information project and we are eager to hear your feedback. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this piece, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
