
Progress Audit: Evergreen Line Rapid Transit Project

February 2017
This progress audit looked at whether the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and Partnerships BC have fairly and accurately represented their progress implementing the recommendations made in Audit of the Evergreen Line Rapid Transit System, originally published in March 2013.

Follow-up on the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry

December 2016
This report looks at how the B.C. government has responded to selected recommendations made by the 2012 Missing Women Commission of Inquiry. We examined government's response to each selected recommendation, including their commitments, actions, planned actions, and whether government can demonstrate that they have addressed the intent of the recommendation.

An Audit of Community Gaming Grants

December 2016
This audit looked at whether the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development and the Ministry of Finance have a suitable framework in place to administer the Community Gaming Grants program.

Product Stewardship: An overview of recycling in B.C.

November 2016
An information piece on the Ministry of Environment's oversight of product stewardship (recycling) with a focus on Multi-Material BC.

Workstation Support Services Contract: An Audit of Due Diligence

November 2016
This audit looked at whether the Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services and Health Shared Services BC completed appropriate due diligence when expanding government's 2004 agreement with the service provider to include the health authorities, and when extending the timeframe of the original agreement.

Management of Mobile Devices: Assessing the moving target in B.C.

October 2016
This audit looked at whether the Office of the Chief Information Officer, and a sample of five ministries, is managing the use of mobile devices in a manner that maintains the security of sensitive government data.

Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan 2017/18 - 2019/20

October 2016
The Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines a three-year financial audit plan for the Auditor General, detailing which government organizations our office will audit directly and which will be audited by private sector auditors. The plan is prepared according to the Auditor General Act and professional auditing standards, and presented to the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts for approval.
